Serve teams

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Every follower of Jesus has a role to play in advancing His Kingdom – and the best part is you don’t need to do it alone.   By joining a serve team you get to see God work in us and through us as we serve together.   When you serve together, you grow together.

Joining a Serve Team gives you an opportunity to use your gifts and are one of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ.

Connect and Serve at BBC

Greeters & Security
Greeters is as easy as being a friendly face at the door or sanctuary to say Good Morning and direct people to classes after service. It could also be as involved as making hot fresh coffee and cleaning up after service.  Security is needed on Sunday's for services and also Wednesday Nights for the KidMin events.

Children's Ministry
Sunday school teachers are the mentors and we always need Sunday school assistance and substitutes. Assisting in Sunday school is a great opportunity to see what it is all about.
Awana is our outreach program for Wednesday Nights. Awana is looking for Listeners, special guest speakers and committed group leaders for the whole school year.

Worship Team & A/V
You may have talents in music, vocally or instrumentally, and we would love for you to use those gifts in the church.   If the stage is not your thing, then join the A/V team and help run the sound board and slides during service.

Adult Bible Study Teachers
At 9:45 we have classes for all ages.  The adult classes need teachers to lead them through bible study.  Classes are 2 months at time and the goal is not to simply teach/preach but to encourage conversation and participation.

Student & Youth Ministry
Jump in to help teach Jr/Senior High Student on Sunday's as needed.  Attend Youth activities, mentor, and ‘do life’ with students. Must love students and have a passion to lead students to becoming fully devoted followers of Christ.  Students meet Sunday morning and also during the evenings for the school year.

Admin & Operations
When we have church wide events we need assistance in helping to set up and tear down tables, food, and other items from the event.  We also have a fix it team that helps church members in need.  We also need help when it comes to maintaining the church from the inside to the outside.