
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Just before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He gave this Great Commission to His disciples
so that they might continue His work & ministry here on earth, while He is away.
But Jesus is coming back.

No one knows the time or hour, but as we - His Church - live in anticipation of His return.
We are committed to bring good news of great joy for all people - the Gospel - through local, regional, and international outreach efforts so that men, women and children around the world may find forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ.

Evangelical Free Church of America


The EFCA is an interdependent network of churches that share a common belief in the transformative power of the Gospel and the Bible as the Word of God.  While every EFCA church is autonomous, hence "Free," we believe we can do more for Christ and His Kingdom together than we can alone.

Local  & Regional Ministry Partners

Assisted Living Ministries

International Ministry Partners

Jean & Jean Marie Joseph

The Joseph's have been full-time missionaries to Haiti since 2014. Both Jean & Jean Marie were born in Haiti, moved to the US during their childhoods, and following seminary felt the Lord leading them to go back as full-time missionaries to the people of Haiti.

Jean oversees the Center of Theological Education in Miragoâne (CETHEM) which trains and equips pastors throughout the country and is actively involved in a network of church plants. Jean Marie leads the Hesed Children's Club and helps at-risk women learn skills so they can provide for their children with dignity.


Written translations for all

Illuminations is an alliance of Bible translators who are working together to translate the Bible into every known language by the year 2033. What this means is that for the first time in human history, since that Tower of Babel moment, God's Word will be available to be read and heard in every language on earth!

Believers around the world from across denominational lines are mobilizing behind this effort to bring God's Word to those who do not yet have it and we at BBC are excited to be playing a small part in this monumental effort.  Learn more about the work that is being done and sign up to pray and/or financially give on the Illuminations website, and may God receive the glory in every corner of the world as we witness, in our lifetimes, the Gospel translated into every tongue.


Oral recordings for all

Faith Comes By Hearing has come alongside the worldwide translation community to work together to orally record the Bible into every known language by the year 2033. The reason Bible recordings are so important is because not every language has a written format. There are over 7,100 languages spoken in the world and 50% of the global population cannot read, therefore recording the spoken Word must be a task undertaken if we are to reach every nation, tribe and tongue.

With their beginnings in the 1970s as a Christian tape-lending ministry, FCBH has expanded their reach through oral recordings on a device called "The Proclaimer," which doesn't require electricity. Recordings are also available on jump drives and through their new app (Bible.is App) for more developed parts of the world.

Encourage our active ministry partners

Write a note of encouragement, ask a question, or send a prayer and we'll connect you via email.